Dear Friends of Russian Art,

    We have received several requests about the bio's of Palekh painters, so due to that and our strong intentions to constantly increase the informational level of our website, we decide to start publishing the list of Palekh painters short bio's. Later on we will be adding more and more names to it, artists photo's and may be Kholui and Fedoskino lacquer painters as well. But even now you are very welcome to ask through the email the bio's of your favorite artists and we will make the best possible efforts to assist you.

    The data was taken from : Bratchikova E.K. "Palekh miniature painters. Reference book of names". 1996; Archives of Palekh State Museum; notes of Black Lacquers Co-operative.


  • Abramov Vladimir Anatolyevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1947. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975. Can be seen in Museum of Palekh Art, Museum of Art, Ivanovo .
  • Abramova Olga Valentinovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1955. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1975. Can be seen in Art museums of Russia.
  • Agapov Vladimir Ivanovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1923. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1950.
  • Adeyanov Sergei Yakovlevich - painter of lacquer miniature. The member of the Union of professional painters of Russia under UNESCO from 1994. Born in 1953. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1979. Apprenticeship with B. M. Nemtinov. Takes part in creation of book miniatures, monumental panels and icon painting. Exhibiting from 1984. Can be seen in Museum of Palekh Art.
  • Azanov Nikolai Fyodorovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1926. Graduated Palekh Art School in1953. Exhibited from 1955. Can be seen in Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia, Art Foundation of the Russian Federation, Museum of Palekh Art, Art Museum of Ivanovo and other places.
  • Azanova / Pershina / Mariya Aleksandrovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1918. Graduated from vocational technical school in 1936. Apprenticeship with D. N. Butorin. Worked at porcelain painting. Exhibited from 1938. Can be seen in Museum of Palekh Art, The Museum of the Revolution, Moscow, and in other places.
  • Azaryaeva Irina Vladimirovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1964. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1985.
  • Akbashev Zakii Musaevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1937. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1966.
  • Alekseev Vladimir Zakharovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1948. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1968.
  • Alesheva Faina Aleksandrovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1942. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1968.
  • Alimova Elena Victorovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1971. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1994.
  • An Vladimir Sergeevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1929. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1955.
  • An Oleg Vladimirovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1952. The Member of the Union of Painters from 1981. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1972. Participated in creation of murals, monumental panels, book miniature. Exhibited from 1976. Can be seen in Museum of Palekh Art, Art Museum of Ivanovo, All-Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Art and Folk Arts, Plyos History- Architecture and Art Museum-Reserve and in other places.
  • Andrianov Konstantin Aleksandrovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1932. Member of the Union of painters. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1956. Graduated from Moscow Art-Industrial High School /former Stroganovskoe/. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, State Russian Museum, Art Foundation of the Russian Federation.
  • Andriashkin Nikolai Avgustovich - painter of lacquer miniature. 1957 - 1982. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1979.
  • Andriashkina Tatiana Gennadievna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1952. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975. Exhibiting from 1990. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Anikin Ivan Vasilievich - painter of lacquer miniature. 1918-1990. Graduated from vocational technical school in 1936. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Museum of Art, Ivanovo.
  • Antonov Grigory -painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1926. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1952. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum.
  • Apakov Mikhail Vasilievich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1928. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1948.
  • Arapov Andrei Vasilievich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1956. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1979. Apprenticeship with B. M. Nemtinov. Exhibits from 1981. His works are in the private collections in Holland, USA and Germany.
  • Arapova Nataliya Nikolaevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1983. Apprenticeship with B. M. Nemtinov. Exhibits from 1984. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum. Works are in the private collections in USA, Great Britain and Holland.
  • Arefief Nikolai Grigorievich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1949. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1972.
  • Arkhireev Arkady Fyodorovich - painter of lacquer miniature. 1915-1941. Studied and worked in the Artel of Ancient Art.
  • Astakhova /Gruzdeva/ Valentina Nikolaevna - painter of lacquer miniature. 1935-1976. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1956. Exhibited from 1960. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, The Museum of the Revolution, Moscow, Pushkin Memorial Museum, Art Foundation of the Russian Federation.
  • Astakhova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1968. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1989.
  • Babanov Aleksandr Dmitrievich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1929. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1949. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Babanova Serafima - painter of lacquer miniature. 1911-1995. Graduated from vocational industrial school in 1934.
  • Babkin Victor Alekseevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1938. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1961. Exhibites from 1962. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum and other places. Works are in private collections in Holland, Germany and USA.
  • Bakalov Aleksandr Yurievich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in1949. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1977.
  • Bakanov Aleksandr Grigorievich - painter of lacquer miniature. 1910 - 1979. Apprenticeship in the Artel of Ancient Art " to the hand " of I. M. Bakanov from 1928. Member of the board of the Artel from 1931. The Chairman of the board of the the Union of Palekh painters /1938 - 1941/. The General manager of Palekh Art production workshop /1954 - 1971/. Exhibited from 1932. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Art Museum of Ivanovo, Museum of Folk Art.
  • Bakanov Boris Leonidovich - painter of lacquer miniature. 1939 - 1993. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1956.
  • Bakanov Grigory Mikhailovich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. 1881 - 1928. Member of the Artel of Ancient painting from 1925. Exhibited from 1926. Can be seen in Palekh Art School, the Tretyakov Gallery, the All - Union Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art.
  • Bakanov Ivan Mikhailovich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. Merited Art Worker /1935/ . 1870 - 1936. Apprenticeship at the Sofonov studio with the icon painter V. A. Belyaev /1880 - 1886/ . Worked in the N. M. Sofonov' studio 34 years. Participated in the restoration works of murals in the cathedrals of Moscov, Vladimir, Kostroma, Novgorod, Pskov. Head of the class of icon painting under the Committee of Guardians of Russian icon painting / 1914 - 1917/ . One of the founders of the Artel of Ancient Arts /1924/ . Exhibited from 1923. Can be seen in Palekh Art School, Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, The Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, The All - Union Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, The History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergiev Possad, A. S. Pushkin Memorial Museum " Moika 12 ", The State A. S. Pushkin Museum, The Museum of the Revolution and in other places.
  • Bakhireva Irina Sergeevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1973. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1994. Exhibited from 1994.
  • Bakhireva Nael Ivanovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1925. Graduated in 1949.Can be seen in Palekh Art museum and in other places.
  • Bakhireva /Radyuk/ Galina Nikolaevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1930. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1950.
  • Bakhirev Arkady Sergeevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1927. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1949.
  • Bakhirev Pavel Ivanovich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. 1876 - 1933. Member of Artel of Ancient Art. Can be seen in Palekh Art museum.
  • Bakhirev Sergei Pavlovich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. 1898 -1973. Apprenticeship in the art studios under the Committee of Guardians of Russian icon painting /2 years /, with his father, P. I. Bakhirev, in the studio of B. E. Belousov. Finished his training in the studio of the icon painter N. M. Parilov. Apprenticeship in the studios of the Artel of Ancient Art from 1928. Member of Artel from 1933. Copied works of D. N. Butorin, I. M. Bakanov. Exhibited from 1939. Can be seen in Palekh Art School, Art Museum of Ivanovo, the Tretyakov Gallery and in other places.
  • Bakshaev Vitaly Andreevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1945. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1965. Graduated from Surikov Institute of Art, the faculty of monumental painting.
  • Baranova / Adajkina / Margarita Nikolaevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1942. Graduated Palekh Art School in 1964.
  • Baranov Aleksandr Sergeevich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. 1902 - 1938. Acquired skill at the studios of the Committee of Guardians of Russian icon painting /1914 - 1917/ .Worked at the studio of Belousov brothers. Icon painting apprenticeship with I. V. Zinoviev. Member of Artel of Ancient Art from 1929. Copied works of I. I. Golikov, I. P. Vakurov, D. N. Butorin. Exhibited from 1932. Can be seen in Palekh Art Musum, Ivanovo Art Museum, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad and in other places.
  • Baranov Aleksandr Vladimirovich - painter of lacquer miniature, icon painter. Born in 1952. Member of the Union of painters from 1980. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975. Apprentice with A. B. Borunov, K. S. Semaikin. Participated in creation of murals, monumental panels. Exhibited from 1975. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, All - Union Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, Ministry of Culture and in other places.
  • Baranova / Ogorodnikova / Irina Sergeevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1964. Graduated Palekh Art School in 1984.
  • Baranov Rudolf Nikolaevich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1942. Member of the Union of painters in 1964. Graduated from Moscow Institute of Art after Surikov, the faculty of monumental painting.
  • Baranov Vasily Ivanovich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. Member of the Artel of Ancient Arts from 1929. In the 30-es painted in Moscow. Can be seen in Museum of Folk Art.
  • Baranov Vladmir Mikhailovich - icon painter, painter of lacquer miniature. 1901 - 1977.Participated in the restoration works of Moscow Kremlin cathedrals. Acquired skill in the Artel of Ancient painting. Worked in the partnership of Palekh lacquer miniaturists, then in Palekh Art School. Exhibited from 1932. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, and Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia and in other places.
  • Baranov Yuri Gennadievich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1946. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1974.
  • Barbarina Tamara Nikolaevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1938. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1961. Taught students in Palekh Art School. Can be seen in Palekh Art School.
  • Barkhatkina / Zotina / Lyudmila Vladimirovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1983.
  • Barkhatkin Konstantin Vladimirovich - painter lacquer miniature. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1984.
  • Barynin Vitaly Konstantinovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1935. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1962. Can be seen in Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia.
  • Batalov Sergei Petrovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1935. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1964. Can be seen in Art Museum , Ivanovo.
  • Bayakina /Belova/ Vera Dmitrievna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1927. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1950.
  • Bayakina Svetlana - look at Primakova
  • Bazhenov Pavel Dmitrievich - painter of lacquer miniature. 1904-1941. Apprenticeship at the art studio of I. M. Bakanov, E. I. Styagov /1915-1917/ under the Committee of Guardians of the Russian Icon painting school. Enrolled as the first apprentice to the Artel of Ancient Art /1926/ . Apprenticeship with I. I. Golikov being " to his hand ". The Artel member from 1928. Participated in mural painting, porcelain painting, and cartoon making as a painter. Exhibited from 1929. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, State Russian Museum, Museum of Folk Art, The State History - Art Museum -Reserve of Sergiev Posad, A. S. Pushkin Memorial Museum "Moika 12", The State Museum of A. S. Pushkin, Bakhrushin Memorial Museum and other places.
  • Beketov Ivan Victorovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1970. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1990. Works are in private collections in Great Britain, Italy, Germany.
  • Belousova Galina Romanovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1960. Member of the Union of painters from 1989. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1982. Exhibited from 1983. Can be seen in Palekh Art School, Art Foundation of Russia.
  • Belousova Yuliya Alexandrovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1926. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1947. Can be seen in Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, Art Foundation of Russia.
  • Belousov Leonid Ivanovich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. 1895 - 1979. Icon painting apprenticeship with his father I. V. Belousov, Member of the Artel of Ancient Painting from 1926. Exhibited from 1928. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, All - Union Museum of A. S. Pushkin.
  • Belousov Roman Leonidovich - lacquer miniaturist. Merited artist of Russian Federattion /1974/ . Born in 1928. Member of the Union of painters from 1958. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1949. Apprenticeship with D. N. Butorin, A. B, Kotukhin, Participation in mural painting, panel painting and book miniature painting. Exhibited from 1956. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia and in other places.
  • Belova /Kiselyova/ Lyubov Aleksandrovna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1962. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1986.
  • Belova Nadezhda Stepanovna - painter of lacquer miniature. 1922 - 1993. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1949.
  • Belov Boris Semyonovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1930. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1950.
  • Belozyorova /Russina/ Valentina Alekseevna - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1938. Member of the Union of painters from 1994. Graduated from Palekh Art School. Exhibited from 1964. Worked much in miniature portrait. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Art Museum of Ivanovo, Ministry of Culture of Russia.
  • Belozyorov Yuri Ivanovich - painter of lacquer miniature. Born in 1939. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1968. Works are in private collections in USA and Holland.
  • Belyaev Konstantin Fyodorovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1922. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1952.
  • Berdnikov Anatoly Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1938. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1962.
  • Berdnikov Sergei Anatolievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1986.
  • Berlizev Alexandre Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1948. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975.
  • Bespalova Tatiyana Vladimirovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1973. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1994.
  • Blinov Yuri Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1928. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1948.
  • Blokhin Alexandre Ivanovich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. 1877 - 1944. Apprenticeship in the studio of N. M. Safonov /1887 - 1893/ . Member of The Artel of Ancient Painting from 1925. Exhibited from 1926. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, The All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12" , Pushkin House Museum and in other places.
  • Blokhin Alexandre Olegovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1970. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1991.
  • Blokhin Alexey Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. 1903 - 1969. Member of the Union of painters from 1953. Apprenticeship in the studios of the Committee of Guardians of Russian icon painting /1911 - 1915/ with I. M. Bakanov. Apprenticeship in the studio of A. P. Bolshakov in Moscow /1915 -1917/ / Resident of Moscow from 1921 working in monumental, theatrical - decorative genres. Exhibited from 1933. Can be seen in The All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", The Museum of The Revolution and in other places.
  • Blokhin Nikolai Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in Palekh in 1909. Died in Moscow in the middle of 1980 -es. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum / sketches of textile prints /
  • Blokhin Yuri Mikhailovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in Palekh in 1928. Died in Blagoveshchensk in 1975. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1951.
  • Bogatchyova /Babkina/ Nina Pavlovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1941. Member of the Union of painters from 1974. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1961. Participated in creation of murals. Exhibited from 1967. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, Art Foundation of Russia, Plyos History - Architecture Museum, Ministry of Culture of Russia and in other places.
  • Bogatikova Larisa Nikolaevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1928. Graduated Palekh Art School in 1952.
  • Bogatikov Alexey Tikhonovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1938. Graduated Palekh Art School in 1966.
  • Bogatikov Pyotr Alexeevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in1968. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1991.
  • Bogatikov Sergey Alexeevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1948. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1968. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum.
  • Bogdanov Vladimir Innokentyevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1956. Graduated from Palekh Art Museum in 1981. Exhibited from 1985.
  • Bogomolov Vladimir Arturovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1967. Graduated Palekh Art School in 1987.
  • Bokareva Albina Alexeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1937. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1961. Employment at the plant "Red Porcelain Maker", as a porcelain painter. From 1963 - in charge of the section "Lacquer Miniatures of Palekh" of Palekh Art museum.
  • Bokareva Loubov Alexeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1955. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1977. Exhibited from 1977.
  • Bokarev Konstantin Sergeevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1928. Member of the Union of painters from1958. Education in Ivanovo Art Vocational School /1945 - 1947/. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1951. Lectured in Palekh Art School 1976 - 1979/. Worked in porcelain painting, book illustration. Exhibited from 1955. Can be seen Palekh Art School, Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, Russian Museum , The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad, Ethnography Museum, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", The Museum of the Revolution, Art Foundation of Russia in other places.
  • Bokarev Valery Konstantinovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1954. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1974. Exhibited from 1977. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", Plyos History - Architecture and Art Museum - Reserve.
  • Bokova /Yakovenko/ Irina Vladimirovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1964. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1984.
  • Bolshakova Roza Leonidovna - lacquer minaturist. Born in 1929. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1955.
  • Bolshakova Vera Valerievna - lacquer minaturist. Born in 1965. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1985.
  • Bolshakov Valery Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1929. Member of the Union of Painters from 1957. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1952. Appenticeship with I. P. Vakurov. Director of Palekh Art School / 1983 - 1989/ . Participated in creation of murals, drama scenery, illustration of books, restoration of lacquer panels /in the chamber Monplaisir in Petrodvorets (Peter The Great Palace)/. Exhibited from 1955. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum and in other places.
  • Bonokina /Fedorchenko/ Olga Ivanovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 11954. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1977. Exhibited from 1994. Can be seen in Plyos History - Architecture and Art Museum - Reserve and in other places.
  • Borodkina Nadezhda - lacquer miniaturist. 1918 - 1946. Education in vocational school in 1938.
  • Borozdina Anna Mikhailovna - lacquer miniaturist. 1915 - 1989. Education in vocational school. Graduated Palekh Art School.
  • Borunov Alexandre Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. 1920 - 1994. Merited Artist of Russia /1974/. Member of the Union of painters from 1950. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1940. Apprenticeship with A. V. Kotukhin, N. M. Parilov, N. M. Zinoviev. Participated in creation of murals, monumental panels, book illustration. Participated in restoration works of the Moscow Kremlin, Troitska - Sergy Lavra, lacquer panels of the chamber Monplaisir in Petrodvorets. Taught in Palekh Art School 1956. Exhibited from 1946. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Russian Museum, Museum of Folk Art. And in other places.
  • Brovkina /Krotova/ Nadezhda Konstantinovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1986.
  • Brovkina Nataliya Yurievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1965. Graduated from Palekh Art School 1987.
  • Brovkin Valery Yurievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1957. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1977. Graduated from the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture after Repin, the faculty of restoration of tempera paintings.
  • Brovkin Vladimir Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1952. Member of the Union of painters from 1989. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975. Participated in the creation murals and monumental panels. Exhibited from 1978. Can be seen in Palekh Art School.
  • Brovkin Yury Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. 1933 -1981. Member of the Union of painters from 1968. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1957. Participated in the creation of murals and monumental panels. Taught in Palekh Art School in 1969. Director of Palekh Art School /1976 - 1981/. Exhibited from 1958. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, and Russian Museum, Museum of Folk Art.
  • Buldakova Nataliya Borisovna - lacquer miniaturist. Bronze medal holder of the All - Union Exhibition of Peoples' Achievements of the USSR /1973/ . Born in 1952. Member of the Union of painters from1989. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1973. Apprenticeship with A. V. Borunov, B. N. Nemtinov, K. S. Semaikin. Exhibited from 1978. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, Plyos History - Architecture and Art Museum - Reserve.
  • Buldakov Vladimir Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1951. Member of the Union of painters from 1982. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975. Apprenticeship with B. M. Nemtinov. Participated in the creation of murals, monumental panels, book illustrations. Taught in Palekh Art School from 1989. Exhibited from 1975. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, Art Foundation of Russia, Plyos History - Architecture and Art Museum - Reserve, Ministry of Culture of Russia.
  • Burdakov Alexandre Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1952. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1976.
  • Burdakova Lyudmila Yurievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1952. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1975.
  • Bureeva /Elkhovikova/ Valentina Vasilievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1932. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1952. Can be seen in the museums of Russia.
  • Bureeva Maria Alexeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1932. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1952.
  • Bureev Boris Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1925. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1959.
  • Bureev Grigory Konstantinovich - lacquer miniaturist. Merited Artist of the RSFSR /1974 posthumously/ . 1900 - 1972. Studied in the studios of the Committee under the Guardians of Russian icon painting /1912/ and with I. M. Bakanov. Member of the Artel of Ancient Art from the 1930 - es. Studied "to the hand' of I. I. Golikov. Exhibited from 1932. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Russian Museum, Museum of Folk Art, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad and in other places.
  • Bureev Vasily Konstantinovich - lacquer miniaturist. 1897 - 1940. Studied in the studios of the Committee under the Guardians of Russian icon painting /1910/ with I. M. Bakanov. Member of the Artel of Ancient Art from 1930. Exhibited from 1937. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12" and in other places.
  • Bureev Yu. K. - lacquer miniaturist. Can be seen in Museum of Folk Art.
  • Burtseva Galina Alexandrovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1950. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1976.
  • Bushkov Vladimir Avenirovich - lacquer - miniaturist. Member of the Union of professional painters of Russia under UNESCO from 1994. Born in 1962. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1982. Participated in the creation of book miniatures and in icon painting. Exhibited from 1991. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Butorina Ekaterina Stanislavovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1973. Scholarship from the international charity program "New Names" /1994/. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1994. Exhibited from 1994.
  • Butorin Alexandre Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. 1901 - 1959. Member of the Union of painters from 1934. Studied in the studios of the Committee under the Gurdians of Russian icon painting /1913 - 1917/ with E. I. Styagov. Member of the Artel of Ancient painting from 1929. Lacquer miniature painting apprenticeship with I.I. Golikov, D. N. Butorin. Participation in the creation of book miniatures. Exhibited from 1932. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", Art Foundation of Russia an in other places.
  • Butorina /Marova/ Valentina Alexeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1940. Member of the Union of painters from 1980. Graduated Palekh Art School in 1961. Apprenticeship with D. N. Butorin, B. M. Nemtinov. Participated in the creation of iconostassis from the church of the Prophet Elijah in Palekh. Exhibited from 1964. Can be seen in Palekh Art School, Ivanovo Art Museum, Russian Museum, All - Russia Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Museum, Art Foundation of Russia.
  • Butorin Dmitry Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Merited Artist of RSFSR /1956/. 1891 - 1960. Studied in the studios of the Committee of under the Guardians of Russian icon painting /1906 - 1910/. Diploma holder of the master of icon painting. Studied icon painting at night classes in Petersburg. Member of the Artel of Ancient painting from1925. Apprenticeship in miniature painting with I. I. Golikov. Participated in the creation of murals, book miniatures, porcelain painting. Taught in vocational technical school, art college and art school /1936 - 1960/. Exhibited from 1928. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, The Tretyakov Gallery, Museum of Folk Art, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", Art Foundation of Russia and in other places.
  • Butorin Stanislav Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1934. Member of the Union of painter from 1974. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1954. Apprenticeship with F. A. Kaurtsev, N. A. Pravdin. Participated in the creation of murals, painted icons. Exhibited from 1954. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Russian Museum, All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad, Plyos History - Architecture and Art Museum - Reserve and in other places.
  • Butsanov Alexandre Victorovich - lacquer miniaturist Born in 1959. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1984.
  • Bykova /Belysheva/ Marina Victorovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1964. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1985.
  • Bykova /Morgunova/ Ekaterina Mikhailovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1971. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1991.
  • Bykov Nikolai Fyodorovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1966. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1991.
  • Gavrilov Stepan Potapovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1970. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1990
  • Gacheva /Mozaeva/ Eleena Nikolaevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1981.
  • Gelishev Alexander Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1954. Graduated from Palekh Art School 1980. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Glazunov Alexander Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. 1884-1952. Graduated from Moscow Archeological Institute /1910/. Ran his own icon painting shop in Moscow. Began to paint papier mache blanks simultaneously with Golikov /1922/. He is one of the founders of the Artel of the ancient painting /1924/. Collected preliminary drawings, copies, photo pictures of the ancient Russian paintings and published in the book "Materials on the History of Russian Icon Painting" /M., 1914. Edition 1/. Can be seen in Museum of Folk Art, All-Russia Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Arts Museum.
  • Golikov Ivan Ivanovich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. Merited artist of Fine Arts /1935/. 1886-1937. Born in Moscow, in the family of a painter by birth. Apprenticeship at the Sofonov's art school in Palekh /1897-1901/. He was considered as a universal master of icon painting. He painted at icon painting workshops in Moscow and Petersburg. He painted murals of cathedrals in Kazan. He went to school of the baron A. L. Shpiglits for a year. Participated in World War 1 /1914-1917/. In 1922 he was the first among the people of Palekh to paint on papier-mache. He initiated and founded the Artel of ancient painting /1924/. Painted about 1000 pieces of lacquer miniatures /1922-1937/. Participated in creation of murals, monumental panels, theatrical scenes, book illustration, propaganda posters and painted on porcelain. Exhibited from 1923. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum, Museum of Folk Art, The State History-Art Museum-Reserve of Sergy Possad, Museum of Russian Art in Kiev, All-Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12" and in other places.
  • Golikov Nikolai Ivanovich - lacquer miniaturist. Merited Artist of RSFSR (Russia) /!967/. People's Artist of RSFSR /1974/. Awarded with the Order of Worker's Red Banner /1984/. Born in 1924. Member of the Union of Artists from 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1954. Apprenticeship with I.P. Vakurov , N.M. Parilov and N.M. Zinoviev. Participated in creation of murals, porcelain painting and animation drawing. Exhibited from 1955. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, Russian Museum, Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia, All-Russia Museum of A.S. Pushkin "Moika 12" and in other places.
  • Golikov Yuri Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1956. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1979. Exhibits from 1994.
  • Golikova /Vakurova/ Sofiya Mikhailovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1928. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1949.
  • Golov Alexey Victorovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1984.
  • Golov Victor Ivanovich - lacquer miniaturis and icon painter. Merited Worker of Culture of RSFSR /1980/. Born in 1925. Member of the Union of Artists from 1965. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1952. Apprenticeship with I.P. Vakurov. Participated in creation of murals, monumental panels, book illustration and post-card drawing. Tutorship in Palekh Art School from 1957. Exhibited from 1954. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Central Museum of Revolution and in other places.
  • Golubev Oleg Leonidovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1958. Graduated from Palekh Art School 1981. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum. Participated in several American lacquer exhibitions in '90es, mentioned in Maxym Lucy' books.
  • Golubeva Margarita Nikolaevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1930. Graduated from Palekh Art School 1952. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Goncharov Alexander Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1939. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1968.
  • Gorbatova /Teikovtseva/ Tatiana Sergeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1957. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1977.
  • Gorbunova Elena Vladimirovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1966. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1988.
  • Gordeev Alexander Vasilievich - lacquer miniaturist. 1927-1990. Member of the Union of Artists from 1965. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1956. Apprenticeship with I.P. Vakurov, N.M. Zinoviev. Participated in creation of murals, monumental panels. Tutorship in Palekh Art School from 1976 up to 1990.Exhibited from 1956. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia and in other places.
  • Gorev Alexander Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1915. Can be seen in the Central Museum of Revolution and in other places.
  • Gratchyov Sergei Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Gribkov Sergey Victorovich - lacquer miniaturist. 1961-1987. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1983.
  • Gribov Alexey Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1972. Graduated from Palekh Art School.
  • Gribov Nikolai Borisovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1948. Member of the Union of Painters from 1989. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1968. Apprenticeship with N.M. Zinoviev, M.I. Shemarov, B.M. Nemtinov. Participated in the creation of wall murals. Tutorship at Palekh Art School from1990. Exhibited from 1974. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, All-Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, The Union of Painters of Russia.
  • Grishin Vladimir Anatolievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1957. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1981.
  • Grishina Tatiana Alexeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1960. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1981. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Gromova / Sumarokova/ Elena Nikolaevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1966. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1988.
  • Gubanova /Yolkina/ Olga Nikolaevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1955. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1978.
  • Gunaev Anatoly Alexeevich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. 1901-1977.
  • Gunaev Arkady Konstantinovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1936. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1959.
  • Gunaev Konstantin Alexeevich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. 1896-1977. Member of the Artel of Ancient painting from 1930. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum.
  • Gurylyov Sergey Vladimirovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1962. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1987.
  • Gurylyova /Ignatieva/ Mariya Alexandrovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1961. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1985.
  • Guseva /Klyushkina/ Serafima Ivanovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1915. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1938. Painted on porcelain as a painter at the factory named "The Red Porcelainist" /1938-1942/ Tutorship of porcelain painting at vocational school. Employment of a keeper and art consultant at Palekh Art Museum /1944-1970/
  • Vakurov Ivan Vasilievich - icon painter and lacquer miniaturist. 1878 -1949. Worked in the icon studio of N. M. Safonov. Member of the Artel of Ancient Arts from 1926. Exhibited from 1923. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, All - Russia Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art.
  • Vakurov Ivan Petrovich - icon painter and lacquer miniaturist. Merited Artist of Fine Arts /1935/. Peoples' Artist of RSFSR /1956/. 1885 - 1968. Apprenticeship in icon painting in the Sofonov's studio with I.V.Vakurov. Worked for the Safonov's entrepreneurs for the period of 15 years. Participated in the restoration of icons and monumental wall paintings of the cathedrals in Novgorod, Pskov and Moscow. Employment with the entrepreneur Vashurov in Moscow /1914 - 1917/.Started to paint on papier mache in 1923. Member of the Artel of Ancient Arts from 1926. Participated in the creation of murals, monumental panels, book illustration and painting on porcelain. Taught in vocational technical school, Art college and in Palekh Art School /1928 -1968/. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, The Tretyakov Gallery, Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia, Russian Museum, The State History - Art Museum - Reserve of Sergy Possad, All - Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12", Pushkin House Museum, Museum of Russian Art in Kiev, Art Foundation of Russia and in other places.
  • Vakurov Mikhail Petrovich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. 1890-1942. Apprenticeship at the studio of N. M. Safonov \1900-1906\. Painted and restored icons. He was a member of the Artel of Ancient painting from 1932. Created drawings for cloth printing. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, All-Russia Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Museum.
  • Vakurov Nikolai Dmitrievich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. Apprenticeship at the Safonov's studio. The member of the Artel of Ancient painting from 1932. Exhibited from 1932. Worked in the jenre of portrait painting. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Museum of Folk Art, All-Russia Museum of A. S. Pushkin "Moika 12".
  • Vakurova /Erova/ Lyubov Vasievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1926. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1950.
  • Vakurova Margarita Ivanovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1926. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1949.
  • Vanyashov Alexandre Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1963. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1992.
  • Vanyashov Vladimir Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1963. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1988. Exhibited from 1992.
  • Vanyashova Elena Evgenievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1971. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1991.
  • Vanyashova /Grebennikova/ Nataliya Vladimirovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1965. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1989.
  • Vasilenko Tatiyana Leonidovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1955. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1982.
  • Vasiliev Alexey Egorovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1962. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1984.
  • Vatagin Alexey Ivanovich - icon painter, lacquer miniaturist. 1881-1947. Apprenticeship at the Safonov studio /1890-1896/. Worked for the entrepreneur Safonov for about 20 years. Participated in painting of newly built churches and restored old paintings in Moscow, Kostroma, Troitska-Sergy Lavra, Petrodvorets. The member of the Artel of Ancient painting from 1925. Lacquer miniature art studied at I. I. Golikov's studio.and at I. M. Bakanov's. Participated in creating of murals, book illustration. Taught in art vocational school, art college and art school /1928-1947/ Exhibited from 1925. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum Museum of Folk Art, Etnography Museum of Peoples of Russia, Kiev Museum of Russian Art, All Russia Museum of A.S. Pushkin "Moika12", The Tretyakov Gallery and in other places.
  • Velikanov Sergey Grigorievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1959. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1979.
  • Velichko Boris Yurievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1958. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1981. Participated in many specialized exhibitions in Great Britain, Germany, Netherlands and USA
  • Velichko Svetlana Alexandrovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1962. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1987.
  • Verigina Vera Vasilievna - Born in 1938. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1962. Graduated from Moscow Art School /former Stroganovskoe/
  • Vinogradov Victor Fyodorovich - lacquer miniaturist. 1951-1984. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1974.
  • Vinogradov Yury Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1928. Graduated fron Palekh Art School in 1948. Apprenticeship at D. N. Butorin, I.P. Vakurova, N.M.Zinovieva. Participated in restoration of lacquer panels /in the chamber of Monplaisir in Petrodvorts/, murals and monumental panels. Exhibited from 1955. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum, Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia, Art Foundation of Russia and in other places.
  • Vinogradova Alexandra Arkadievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1924. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1950.
  • Vinogradova Olga Yurievna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1960. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1980.
  • Vikhreev Ephim Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. 1943-1994. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1967. Worked as a tutor in Palekh Art School from 1969. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum.
  • Vikhreev Nikolai Fyodorovich - lacquer miniaturist. Merited teacher of Russian Federation /1971/. 1909-1983. Member of the Union of painters from 1944. Finished vacational school in1933. Graduated from Moscow Art Institute named after Surikov, the faculty of drawing /1941/. Worked as a tutor in Palekh Art School /1943-1971/ Exhibited from 1933. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum Ethnography Museum of Peoples of Russia, Art Foundation of Russia and in other places.
  • Vitsyn Sergey Dmitrievich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1966. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1986.
  • Vlezko Vladimir Alexandrovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1944. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1964. Participates in creation of murals, monumental panels. Can be seen in Palekh Art Museum, Ivanovo Art Museum and in other places. His art pieces are in many private collections in USA, Netherlands and Germany, hence he was mentioned in the well-known Maxim Lucy' books as the real master.
  • Vlezko /Fyodorova/ Nataliya Vladimirovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1967. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1988.
  • Vlezko Tatiyana Vladimirovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1970. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1990.
  • Volkov Victor Nikolaevich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1939. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1965. Participated in creation of murals. Can be seen in Ivanovo Art Museum , Central Museum of Revolution. His art pieces are in many private collections in USA, hence he was mentioned in the wellknown Maxim Lucy books as the real master.
  • Volkova /Bakhireva/ Nadezhda Sergeevna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1928. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1948.
  • Vyugin Yury Ephimovich - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1930. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1950. Exhibited from 1994.
  • Vyugina /Pershina/ Zoya Ivanovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1926. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1948. Can be seen in Plyos History, Architechture and Art Museum-reserve and in other places.
  • Vyugina Irina Vladimirovna - lacquer minatuarist. Born in 1960. Graduated from Palekh Art School in1980.
  • Vyugina Larisa Alexandrovna - lacquer miniaturist. Born in 1970. Graduated from Palekh Art School in 1990.

[41539] last:2025-03-14 20:05:28
(from 1.04.2000)