N | Picture | Author | Different identification details | Website retail price in US $ | Available |
Theme | Shape | Size in cm | Year | Quality (1-10) |
1. |  | Dukhovitch I. | St. Jeorge Killing the Dragon | icon on wood Palekh | 26x31x5 | 2024 | 9.5 | 2900 | sold |
2. |  | Velikanov S. | The Godmother of Unfading Flower | icon on wood Palekh | 28x31x4 | 2023 | 9 | 2250 | sold |
3. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Golden Cockerel | wall plaque | 60x40x1 | 2025 | 9.5art | 7750 | yes |
4. |  | Kochupalov A. | Meeting the Princess | box | 9x6x4 | 2003 | 9.5art | 2200 | sold |
5. |  | Kraikin A. | The Scarlet Flower | decorative plaque | 32x20x1 | 2006 | 8.5art | 1250 | yes |
6. |  | Rakitova O. | Vladimirskaya Godmother | icon on wood икона | 24x31x4 | 2024 | 9.5 | 2200 | sold |
7. |  | Myznikova El. | Evening Bookreading | oval box | 9x15x3 | 2002 | 9.5art | 990 | yes |
8. |  | Fedotov V. | The Deeds of Eruslan Bogatur | wall plaque | 40x31x1 | 2008 | 9art | 2990 | yes |
9. |  | Meshkova | The Deer Hunting (after Golikov I.) | oval tray | 31x20x2 | 2024 | 8.5 | 1400 | yes |
10. |  | Bogdanov V. | The Humpbacked Pony | box | 13x11x3 | 1995 | 9 | 850 | yes |
11. |  | Dukhovitch I. | Godmother Unfading Flower | icon on wood икона | 27x30x4 | 2025 | 9.5 | 2450 | yes |
12. |  | Velikanov S. | The Song About Merchant Kalashnikov | box | 24x22x5 | 1999 | 9.5art | 4250 | sold |
13. |  | Mamina | The Swings | powder box | d.11x3 | 2023 | 9 | 580 | yes |
14. |  | Rakitova O. | Jesus Christ Has Raisen | 2 sided Easter egg | d.10x22 | 2023 | 9 | 1400 | yes |
15. |  | Peskova I. | The Summer Evenings | powder case | d.12x3 | 2023 | 9art | 490 | yes |
16. |  | Kosach I.(after Golikov) | Tzar Saltan | decorative plaque | 21x32x1 | 1995 | 9 | 990 | yes |
17. |  | Komkova | The Humpbacked Pony | wall plaque | 45x52x1 | 1999 | 8.5art | 1250 | yes |
18. |  | Galkin A. | Ilya Murometz | box | 20x14x4 | 2002 | 9art | 1400 | yes |
19. |  | Dukhovitch I. | The Resorection | icon on wood икона | 27x31x4 | 2024 | 9.5 | 2250 | sold |
20. |  | Morozova | Demian's Fish Soup | decorative plate | d.22x1 | 2011 | 9 | 1250 | sold |
21. |  | Peskova I. | The Gatheres of The Russian Land | 5-sided chest | 18x14x15 | 2023 | 9art | 3400 | sold |
22. |  | Ghiriakova G. | The Underwater World | box | 24x22x5 | 2023 | 9.5art | 4850 | yes |
23. |  | Orlova A. | Romantic Dating | wall plaque | 40x50x1 | 2024 | 9art | 4400 | yes |
24. |  | Titov D. | Marshal Budeniy | decorative plate | d.21x1 | 2016 | 9.5 | 1850 | yes |
25. |  | Ghiriakova G. | The Internet Life | box | 22x20x4 | 2023 | 9.5art | 4300 | yes |
26. |  | Schanitsin D. | Vladimirskaya Godmother | icon on wood Palekh | 19x22x3 | 2023 | 9 | 1700 | sold |
27. |  | Sviatova L. | The Humpbacked Pony (after Zinoviev) | chest | 22x26 | 2023 | 9 | 3800 | sold |
28. |  | Kamanina A. | Semik Holiday | beads-case | d.7x2 | 2014 | 9.5art | 750 | yes |
29. |  | Tumanova | The Frog Princess | round plaque | d.22x1 | 2023 | 9 | 990 | yes |
30. |  | Titov D. | The Rattle Snake on the Tree | cigar case and holder | 24x12x4 | 2023 | 9.5art | 2400 | yes |
31. |  | Mamina D. | The Mistress of Copper Mountains | wall plaque | 90x60x1 | 2023 | 9.5art | 12000 | yes |
32. |  | Rakitova | The Godmother of Signs | icon on wood икона | 24x31x3 | 2023 | 9.5 | 2450 | sold |
33. |  | Tchelikov Eu. | Tzar Saltan/s Fleet | box | 9x12x3 | 1991 | 9.5art | 1400 | yes |
34. |  | Orlova A. | The Whirlpool | wall plaque | 50x40x1 | 2023 | 9.5art | 4450 | sold |
35. |  | Dudorova, Romanuk | The SnowMaiden | 5 sided micro chest | 6x2x2 | 1989 | 9art | 1400 | sold |
36. |  | Bogacheva | Malchish-Kibalchish | box | 17x17x4 | 2018 | 9 | 850 | yes |
37. |  | Bykova Ek. | The Humpbacked Pony | Round chest | d.19x30 | 2023 | 9art | 3900 | sold |
38. |  | Terentieva | If I were a Princess | box | 14x12x3 | 2008 | 9.5 | 950 | sold |
39. |  | Skalozub | The Swan Princess | box | 14z14x4 | 2004 | 9art | 1200 | sold |
40. |  | Buldakova | Fugue La-minore | beads case | 6x9x3 | 2012 | 9.5art | 1200 | yes |
41. |  | Kolesnik S. | Mozart and Salieri | oval beads case | 10x4x3 | 2009 | 9.5art | 1300 | yes |
42. |  | Skalozub | The Fisherman and The Gold Fish | box | 17x8x3 | 2013 | 9art | 950 | yes |
43. |  | Babkin V. | The Humpbacked Pony | box | 24x20x5 | 2002 | 9art | 2900 | sold |
44. |  | Chibisov R. | Maria Morevna | powder box | 12x15x4 | 2006 | 9.5art | 1900 | sold |
45. |  | Batalov | Prince Dmitry Donskoy | box | 14x10x4 | 2002 | 9art | 1400 | yes |
46. |  | Tirchenkova A. | The Battle of Kineshemtsi | decorative plate | d.22x1 | 2009 | 9art | 1600 | sold |
47. |  | Tsitsareva | Harvesting (after Markitchev) | decorative plate | d.21x1 | 2020 | 9 | 1400 | sold |
48. |  | Kritova G | Spring and Snowmaiden | wall plaque | 33x24x1 | 2011 | 8.5art | 2200 | sold |
49. |  | Chibisov R. | Stavr Godinovitch | powder box | 14x16x3 | 2009 | 9art | 1900 | sold |
50. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Magic Pike | box | 18x14x5 | 2014 | 9art | 2200 | sold |
51. |  | Bakhireva | The Mermaids | round chest on gold | d.10x5 | 2021 | 9 | 1200 | yes |
52. |  | Lapina | The Grey Wolf and Ivan | powder box | d. 10x2.5 | 2022 | 9 | 750 | sold |
53. |  | Dukhovitch I. | Godmother-The Unfading Flower | icon on wood | 14x10x2 | 2023 | 9.5 | 850 | sold |
54. |  | Peskova I. | Pushkin Fairy-tales. Ruslan and Ludmila | wall plaque | 80x55x1 | 2023 | 9.5art | 16000 | yes |
55. |  | Uskov V. | Pushkin's Fairytales | micro 5-sided chest | 5x7x3 | 1999 | 9.5art | 1990 | sold |
56. |  | Selutina | The Fair | box | 18x11x3 cm | 1996 | 9.5 art | 2200 | yes |
57. |  | Mamina D. | The History of Faberge and Romanovs | 5-sided chest | 29x26x24cm | 2022 | 10art | 12900 | yes |
58. |  | Dukhovitch I.(version from Zinoviev) | Pioneers Court under Baba Yaga | wall plaque | 30x45 | 2022 | 10 | 4990 | sold |
59. |  | Terentievs O. & V. | Tzar Saltan | 5-sided chest | 28x26x23 | 2022 | 9.5art | 11800 | sold |
60. |  | Berdnikov S. | Winter Hunting | decorative plate | d.35x1cm | 2022 | 9.5art | 2900 | sold |
61. |  | Kamanina T. | The Hump Backed Pony | box | 12x14x3 | 2021 | 9.5art | 950 | sold |
62. |  | Kamanina T. | The Snow Riding | powder box | d.12x4 | 2021 | 9.5art | 850 | sold |
63. |  | Rakitova O. | The Scarlet Flower | 5 sided chest | 12x10x9 | 2021 | 8.5 | 1200 | sold |
64. |  | Mamina D. | 1001 Nights | 5 sided chest | 45x24x26 | 2021 | 9.5art | by request | sold |
65. |  | Kamanina T. | Birds and Flowers | Easter egg on stand | d.11x18 | 2021 | 9.5art | 2700 | sold |
66. |  | Kamanina T. | The Geese-Swans | beads-case | 4x3x2 | 2021 | 9.5art | 650 | sold |
67. |  | Podolko | The Couple | powder box | d.11x3 | 2019 | 9art | 550 | sold |
68. |  | Smirnov V. | Rublev's The Trinity | wooden icon/wall plaque | 24x30x1 | 2015 | 9 | 1400 | yes |
69. |  | Bykova Ek. | Saint-Petersburg | writing desk set | 45x30x12 | 2021 | 9art | 4200 | sold |
70. |  | Maksakova | The Shrove Tide Holiday | decorative plate | d.27x2 | 2002 | 9.5art | 3700 | sold |
71. |  | Koligina O. | Winter Time | plaque | 45x30x1 | 2021 | 9.5art | | sold |
72. |  | Velikanov S. | The Falcon Hunting | decorative plate | d.19x2 | 2019 | 9art | 1400 | sold |
73. |  | Bykova Ek. | Alice in Wonderland | round chest | d.18x32 | 2021 | 9art | | sold |
74. |  | Doshligin | Boris Godunov | box | 16x12x3 | 1992 | 9.5art | by request | yes |
75. |  | Sokolova | The Wedding | 9 sided Persian chest | 20x14x22cm | 2001 | 8.5 | 2700 | yes |
76. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Tale of the Priest & his Worker Balda | round chest | d.19x29 | 2021 | 9.5art | by request | sold |
77. |  | Novikov N. | Summer Concert | box | 17x11x4 | 2021 | 9art | 1250 | yes |
78. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Dead Princess | round chest | d.19x28 | 2021 | 9.5art | 8900 | sold |
79. |  | Peskova I. | The Tzar Saltan | decorative wall plaque | 90x60x1.5 | 2021 | 10art | by request | sold |
80. |  | Miznikova El. | Titanic | mini chest | 8x5x5 | 1998 | 9.5 | 1400 | yes |
81. |  | Miznikova El. | Ekaterina The Great | decorative plaque | 21x16x1 | 1998 | 9.5 | 3200 | sold |
82. |  | Koligina O. | Harvesting | decorative wall plaque | 40x22 | 2020 | 10art | | sold |
83. |  | Miznikova El. | Romanovs-Last Emperors of Russia | decorative tryptich | 22x17x1 | 1998 | 9.5 | 4500 | sold |
84. |  | Ghiriakov A. | Ruslan and Ludmila | round chest | d.18x31 | 2020 | 9.5art | | sold |
85. |  | Ghiriakov A. | Shrove Holiday | round box | d.17x3 | 2020 | 9art | 1700 | sold |
86. |  | Ghiriakov A. | Baba-Yaga | box | 18x18x4 | 2020 | 9art | 1900 | sold |
87. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Golden Cockerel | round chest | d.18x32 | 2020 | 9.5art | 8900 | sold |
88. |  | Kamanina T. | Swan Princess | box | 22x12x4 | 2020 | 9.5 | 1900 | sold |
89. |  | Bykova Ek. | The Snow Quenn | chest | 38x28x6 | 2020 | 9art | 3400 | sold |
90. |  | Ghiriakov Eugene | Sadko | wall plaque with frame | 50x40x1 | 2006 | 8.5art | 3300 | sold |
91. |  | Ghiriakov Eugene | Ivan Tsarevitch and Grey Wolf | box | 24x20x4 | 2019 | 9art. | 2800 | sold |
92. |  | Rakitova O. | The Snow Quinn | decorative wall plaque | 80x50x2 | 2020 | 9art | 16000 | sold |
93. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Huliver | decorative wall plaque | 50x80x2 | 2020 | 9art. | 14000 | sold |
94. |  | Bykova Ek. | Gyperboreia (Ancient Rus) | decorative wall plaque | 45x25x1 | 2020 | 9art. | 3400 | sold |
95. |  | Ghiriakova G. | Ludmila and Chernomor | box | 24x18x3 | 2019 | 9.5art | 2700 | sold |
96. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Mermaids | 5 s-ded chest | 18x16x4 | 2020 | 9art. | 2900 | sold |
97. |  | Ghiriakov Eugene | The Beautiful Olimpia | decorative all plaque in frame | 60x45x5 | 1996 | 9art | 3900 | sold |
98. |  | Bykova Ek. | Master and Margarita (after Bulgakov) | chest | 24x12x5 | 2019 | 8.5art | 1800 | sold |
99. |  | Peskova I. | The Golden Cockerel | wall plaque | 50x85 | 2019 | 9.5art | 19000 | sold |
100. |  | Kurkin A. | Morozko | round plaque | d.24 | 1995 | 8.5art | 1400 | sold |
101. |  | Terentieva O. | The Lions Pride | pen case | 21x14x4 | 2019 | 9.5art | 1400 | sold |
102. |  | Arapov A. | The Pioneers Judging The Baba-Yaga (after Zinoviev) | box | 18x22x5 | 2019 | 10 | 3600 | sold |
103. |  | Ghiriakova G. | The Flight | box | 26x22x4 | 2019 | 9.5art | 3200 | sold |
104. |  | Arapova | St.Petersburg | wall decorative plaque | 55x40x1 | 2018 | 9.5art | 7200 | sold |
105. |  | Dukhovitch I. | Rubens Heritage | box | 21x16x5 | 2019 | 9.5 | 1700 | sold |
106. |  | Arapova | Moscow-Ancient City | wall plaque | 35x55x1 | 2018 | 9art | 7900 | sold |
107. |  | Rakitova O. | The Puss In The Boots | wall plaque | 91x51x1 | 2018 | 9art | 12000 | sold |
108. |  | Ghiriakov A. | Alice The Wonderland | wall plaque | 91x51x1 | 2018 | 9.5art | 18000 | sold |
109. |  | Ghiriakova G. | The Snowmaiden | chest | 28x22x7 | 2018 | 9.5art | 3900 | sold |
110. |  | Bykova Ek. | The City of Strange Guys | 5 sided chest | 45x18x14 | 2018 | 9 | 3450 | sold |
111. |  | Kuzenkov | Jesus Christ Inthroned | box | 24x18x5 | 2018 | 9 | 1890 | sold |
112. |  | Ghiriakov A. | The Flying Ship | decorative wall plaque | 44x36x1 | 2018 | 9.5art | 4900 | sold |
113. |  | Khodova T. | The Shepherd | box | 12x9x4 | 1981 | 9.5art | 2400 | sold |
114. |  | Schanitsin D. | Vladimirskaya GodMother | icon on wood | 26x22x4 | 2017 | 9 | 2300 | sold |
115. |  | Ermolaeva | Three Sisters | small box | 6x4x3 | 1981 | 9 | 850 | sold |
116. |  | Klipov | The Fire Bird and Grey Wolf | oval powder box | 7x12x3 | 1987 | 9art | 1650 | yes |
117. |  | Khodova T. | In The Forest | powder box | d.9x2 | 2014 | 9art | 1550 | sold |
118. |  | Uskov V. | The Game of Go | round chest - ink holder | d.8.5x14 | 2016 | 9art. | 1900 | sold |
119. |  | Dukhovitch I. | Italian Rose Marble | painted case, Artus pen or with out | 21x4x4 | 2017 | 9art. | by request | sold |
120. |  | Dykhovitch I. | Urals Malachite | painted pen case (with or with out pen) | 21x4x4 | 2017 | 9art | by request | sold |
121. |  | Rakitova O. | The School of Athens by Rafael (version) | box | 24x18x5 | 2017 | 9 | 1650 | sold |
122. |  | Dukhovitch I. | Danae by Rembrandt | box | 22x16x5 | 2017 | 9 | 1600 | sold |
123. |  | Bykova Ek. | Vasilisia The Beautiful | oval pen case | 21x4x4 | 2017 | 8.5art | 950 | yes |
124. |  | Kamanina T. | Near The Pond | beads-case | 6x8x3 | 2017 | 9art. | 800 | sold |
125. |  | Kamanina T. | Birthday Celebration | box | 12x12x3 | 2017 | 9.5art | 1600 | sold |
126. |  | Ghiriakov Alexey | The Cinderella | decorative wall plaque | 44x32x1 | 2016 | 9.5art | 4400 | sold |
127. |  | Kamanin S. | The Battle (inpired by Golikov I.) | round box | d.12x3 | 2017 | 9 | 1400 | sold |
128. |  | Uskov V. | Merry Christmas | double sided chest | 22x22x6 | 2016 | 8.5art | 1990 | sold |
129. |  | Lopatin N. | The Flying Ship | 5 sided Bombay chest | 27x23x21 | 2002 | 10art | by request | sold |
130. |  | Bykova Ek. | The City of Eccentrics | 5 sided chest | 38x28x7 | 2016 | 9 | 4990 | sold |
131. |  | Titov D. | In The Forest | box | 9x12x3 | 2016 | 9art | 750 | sold |
132. |  | Bykova Ek. | The Ship of Wonders | chest | 21x26x9 | 2016 | 9art | 2900 | sold |
133. |  | Smirnov Vladimir | Godmother of Unbirning Bush | wooden icon | 32x42x4 | 2015 | 9.5 | sold | sold |
134. |  | Ghiriakov Eugene | The Slavic Gods of Russ | 6sided Persian chest | 17x14x18 | 2015 | 9art | 2900 | sold |
135. |  | Ghiriakov Alexey | The Sleeping Princess of Palekh | wall plaque | 48x38x1 | 2014 | 9art | by request | sold |
136. |  | Ghiriakov Alexey | Tsar Saltan and Swan Princess | wall plaque | 45x35x1 | 2015 | 9.5art | 3900 | sold |
137. |  | Bykova Ek. | The Flint | pen case | 21x6x4 | 2015 | 9art | 1250 | sold |
138. |  | Bykova Ek | Tzar of The Sea and The Mermaid | pen case | 20x5x4 | 2015 | 9art | by request | yes |
139. |  | Uskov V. | Japanese Dragon | desk set | 21x18x7 | 2015 | 9art | by request | yes |
140. |  | Uskov V. | Tsar Saltan and Swan Princess | desk set | 33x22x11 | 2015 | 9art | by request | yes |
141. |  | Uskov V. | The Water Dragon | writing desk set with matching fountain pen | 24x18x9 | 2014 | 9art. | by request | sold |
142. |  | D.Titov | Portrait of Solzgenitsyn | decorative plaque | 24x34x1 | 2014 | 10 | by request | sold |
143. |  | Smirnov V. | Ascention | wooden icon | 37x47 | 2014 | 9.5 | | sold |
144. |  | Titov | The Lion | Swiss movement Artus one of a kind watch with painted dial | d.4x0.5 | 2014 | 9.5art | by request | yes |
145. |  | Bykove Ek. | Venice | box | 14x14x3 | 2014 | 9art. | 890 | sold |
146. |  | Bykova Ek. | The Snowmaiden | pen-case | 23x4x3.5 | 2014 | 9art. | sold | sold |
147. |  | Uskov V. | The Dragon of Fire | desk set with Artus pen | 27x20x8 | 2013 | 8.5art | 4400 | sold |
148. |  | Kamanina T. | Winter Ride | decorative plate (with holes on back side for mounting) | d.34x2 | 2013 | 9.5art | 3990 | sold |
149. |  | Uskov V. | Marriage of Figaro | desk set with a matching fountain Artus pen | 40x22x15 | 2013 | 9art | by request | sold |
150. |  | Bykova Ek. | The Snow White and The Red Dawn | box | 12x12x3 | 2013 | 9 | 950 | sold |
151. |  | Uskov V. | Way of Samurai | desk set | 40x25x9 | 2014 | 9art | by request | sold |
152. |  | Bykova Ek. | Russian Hunting | decorative plate | d.22x2 | 2012 | 9art. | 1800 | sold |
153. |  | Smirnov V. | St. Trinity | wooden icon | 28x35x5 | 2013 | 10 | 4400 | sold |
154. |  | Primakova S. | St. Nikolai The Wonder Maker | wooden icon with enamels technique, engraving | 16x20x3 | 2013 | 9.5 | 1750 | sold |
155. |  | Schanitsina Ek. | Wedding | box | 11x9x3 | 1981 | 9art | 1250 | sold |
156. |  | Primakova S. | Palekh Life | decorative Easter egg | d.10x18 | 2012 | 9.5art | | sold |
157. |  | Bykova Ek. | Childhood Dreams | 5-sided chest | 29x22x24 | 2012 | 9art | 5900 | sold |
158. |  | Liakh A. | Under The Edge of Rain | box | 14x14x3 | 2012 | 9art. | | sold |
159. |  | Latsuk | Love | pen case | 18x4x3 | 2012 | 9art. | | sold |
160. |  | Uskov V. | Kamasutra | 3 stacking decorative eggs | d.7x12 | 2013 | 9art. | 1450 | sold |
161. |  | Smirnov V. | Archangel Mikhail | wooden icon | 45x30x8 | 2013 | 9.5 | 2900 | sold |
162. |  | Bykova Ek. | "Arlekino" | box, blue | 12x10x3 | 2011 | 9 | | sold |
163. |  | Primakovs D. & S. | "10000 Costumes of The Empress Elizabeth" | 60x40x1 | 2011 | 10 | | sold | sold |
164. |  | Volkov D. | "Ivan & The Grey Wolf" | oval chest | 12x9x11 | 2011 | 9 | 990 | sold |
165. |  | Koligina O. | "The Frog princess" | 9-sided mini chest | 9x4x11 | 2011 | 9 | 990 | sold |
166. |  | Peskova I. | "Alice in Wonderland" | box with authors ornament | 21x17x4 | 2011 | 9 | 1400 | sold |
167. |  | Rakitova | "Moscow-The Heart of Russia" | fountain pen,21K gold nib, green | d.1.5x15 | 9 | | sold | sold |
168. |  | Kamanina T. | "The Dance" | box | 9x9x2 | 2010 | 9 | 380 | sold |
169. |  | Kamanina T. | "The Snow Queen" | box | 12x10x2.5 | 2011 | 9 | 680 | sold |
170. |  | Chibisova V. | "Birds and Flowers" | pen case, blue | 23x4x3.5 | 2010 | 9.5 | 1350 | sold |
171. |  | Kurkina N. | "The Sleeping Beauty" | 2-sided chest | 8x9x4 | 2010 | 9.5 | 1650 | sold |
172. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "The Greek Tales" | chest | 21x18x5 | 2010 | 9 | by request | sold |
173. |  | Kurkina N. | "The Masquerade" | 2-sided box | 20x20x3 | 2010 | 10 | by request | sold |
174. |  | Bykova Ek. | "Mermaid and Tsar of The Sea" | 5-sided chest | 28x19x14 | 2010 | 9.5 | | sold |
175. |  | Kurkina N. | "Dream in the Summers Night" | 5-sided chest | 26x18x12 | 2010 | 10 | | sold |
176. |  | Talanova( Vaniashova) | "Boris Godunov" | 5-sided chest | 16x10x8 | 2010 | 8.5 | | sold |
177. |  | Primakov D. | "Vladimirskaya Godmother" | icon, chasing, wood | 17x21x4 | 2010 | 9.5 | 1450 | sold |
178. |  | Kurkina N. | "Rapunzel" | chest | 18x24x6 | 2010 | 10 | | sold |
179. |  | Kamanina A. | "The Couple" | beads-case | 8x5x1 | 2009 | 9 | 350 | sold |
180. |  | Chibisov R. | "The Hawk Hunting" | box, gold | 11x15x2 | 2010 | 9.5 | 1300 | sold |
181. |  | Bykova (Meshkova) Ek. | "The Astrologer" | chest, stones, green | 8x8x3 | 2009 | 9 | 390 | sold |
182. |  | Bykova (Meshkova) Ek. | "The Golden Hair Lady" | powder-case | 10x14x3 | 2009 | 9 | 850 | sold |
183. |  | Primakovs S. & D. | "Karl Faberge" | Easter egg | d.10x22 | 2009 | 10 | 4500 | sold |
184. |  | Kurkina N. | "The Fire" | 5-sided chest | 15x10x24 | 2009 | 10 | | sold |
185. |  | Kamanina T. | "On The Volga River" | box | 14x8x3 | 2009 | 9 | 440 | sold |
186. |  | Bogacheva N. | "August" | box | 10x8x3 | 2008 | 9 | 350 | sold |
187. |  | Kamanina T. | "Twelve Months" | 5-sided chest | 12x9x7 | 2009 | 9 | 550 | sold |
188. |  | Primakovs | "Sleeping Princess" | 5-sided Persian chest | 11x1011 | 2009 | 9.5 | | sold |
189. |  | Barinin V. | "The Deeds of Ilya Murometz" | box | 24x17.5x7 | 1988 | 9.5 | 2700 | yes |
190. |  | Kamanina T. | "The Last HayStack" | box | 12x12x3.5 | 2009 | 9 | | sold |
191. |  | Bykova Ek. | "The Autumn Nocturne" | chest, golden | 22.5x16x6 | 2009 | 9 | 1800 | sold |
192. |  | Kamanina T. | "The Sledges Ride" | chest | 12x12x3.5 | 2008 | 9 | 440 | sold |
193. |  | Rakitova O. | "The Golden Hair Lady" | box | 16x12.5x4.5 | 2008 | 9.5 | 890 | yes |
194. |  | Lopatin A. | "The Frog Princess" | box | 20.5x12.5x4 | 2008 | 9.5 | 1600 | yes |
195. |  | Smirnova V. | "Cinderella" | chest | 20x16x4 | 2008 | 9.5 | 1800 | sold |
196. |  | Bogacheva N. | "Cinderella" | box | 20x16x4 | 2008 | 10 | 1900 | yes |
197. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "Hamlet" | 5-sided chest | 20x15x5 | 2008 | 10 | 1990 | sold |
198. |  | Ghiriakov Eug. | "The Forest Wonders" | chest | 29x20x8 | 2008 | 10 | 3450 | sold |
199. |  | Primakovs D. & S. | "Gregoriy I. Potemkin" | 9-sided Persian chest | 26x20x24 | 2008 | 10 | | sold |
200. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "Ruslan & Ludmila" | 5-sided chest | 35x27x8 | 2008 | 10 | by request | sold |
201. |  | Bikova Ek. | "The Butterfly" | powder box, blue | d.10x3 | 2008 | 9 | 440 | sold |
202. |  | Kamanina T. | "The Dance" | small chest | 12x6x4 | 2008 | 9 | 490 | sold |
203. |  | Kamanina T. | "Warm Summer" | box | 12.5x10x3 | 2008 | 9 | 590 | sold |
204. |  | Chibisov R. | "The Clever Granddaughter" | cigarette-case | 9x12x2 | 2008 | 9.5 | 1400 | sold |
205. |  | Smirnova V. | "Cinderella" | chest with rich ornament | 13x18x7 | 2008 | 9.5 | 1750 | sold |
206. |  | Smirnov V. | "Akafist of GodsMother" | iconic triptych | 60x40x2 | 2008 | 10 | 7800 | sold |
207. |  | Primakov D. | "The Flying Ship" | chest | 26x20x5 | 2008 | 10 | 4800 | sold |
208. |  | Ghiriakov Eug. | "The Flying Ship" | 5-sided chest | 27x20x7 | 2008 | 9.5 | 5400 | sold |
209. |  | Kurkins A.& B. | "Boldino Autumn (A.Puskin)" | wall plaque | 82x61x2 | 90's | 10 | 19.000 | sold |
210. |  | Velikanova L. | "Merchant Kalashnikov & Tsar's Warrior" | box | 23x17x5 | 1987 | 10 | 2900 | yes |
211. |  | Bogacheva N. | "Autumn. The Holiday of The Last Sheaf" | box | 20x12x3.5 | 2008 | 10 | 1950 | yes |
212. |  | Arapov A. | "The Golden Cockerel" | spectacles-case | 16x7x3 | 2008 | 10 | 2300 | sold |
213. |  | Smirnova V. | "The Swine-herd" | chest | 26x20x5 | 2008 | 9.5 | 6950 | yes |
214. |  | Primakova S. | "Easter" | decorative egg | d.8x15 | 2007 | 10 | | sold |
215. |  | Bogacheva N. | "The Scarlet Flower" | decorative plaque | 30x19x1 | 2007 | 10 | 2800 | sold |
216. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "The Grand Master" | 5-sided chest | 36x27x6 | 2007 | 10 | 6900 | sold |
217. |  | Smirnova V. | "Frog Princess Fairytale. Fist" | box | 16x20x4 | 2007 | 9.5 | 1700 | sold |
218. |  | Tselikov Eug. | "The Night and Day Dragons" | decorative egg | d.4.5x9 | 2007 | 10 | 1200 | yes |
219. |  | Koligina O. | "The Baptizing of The Russ" | 5-sided chest | 15x10x11 | 2007 | 10 | | sold |
220. |  | Bykova Ek. | "Venice" | cigarette-case, dark blue marble | 12x10x2.5 | 2007 | 9 | 690 | yes |
221. |  | Shiriaeva O. | "The Christ Has Risen" | decorative wall plaque | d.33x1 | 2004 | 9 | 1800 | sold |
222. |  | Chibisov R. | "The Flying Ship" | box with match. ornament | 12x17x3 | 2007 | 9.5 | | sold |
223. |  | Smirnova V. | "The Golden Hair Girl (Rapunzel)" | chest | 27x20x5.5 | 2007 | 9.5 | 2600 | sold |
224. |  | Ghiriakova G. | "Fairy-Tale About Tsar Gvidon" | chest | 23x23x6 | 2007 | 10 | 3490 | sold |
225. |  | Ghiriakova G. | "The Scarlet Flower" | 3-sided chest | 27x20x6 | 2006 | 10 | 4490 | sold |
226. |  | Bykova Ek. | "The Masquerade" | cigarette-case,light green marble | 12x10x2.5 | 2007 | 9.5 | 750 | sold |
227. |  | Bogacheva N. | "The Miracles Come To Those With Pure Souls" | box | 17x13x4 | 2007 | 9.5 | 1490 | sold |
228. |  | Bykova Ek. | "The Masquerade" | box, dark blue marble | 18.5x15x5 | 2007 | 9.5 | 1590 | sold |
229. |  | Uskov V. | "Dream in The Summer Night" | decorative wall plaque | 31x24x1 | 2007 | 9.5 | 2900 | sold |
230. |  | Rakitova O. | Vladimirskaya Godmother | icon on wood in kiot | 32x36x9 | 2025 | 9 | 2990 | sold |
231. |  | Rodionova L. | "Sadko \& The Tsar of The Sea" | powder-box | 12x10x4 | 2007 | 9.5 | 780 | sold |
232. |  | Uskov V. | "The Old Soldier \& The Steel" | white, chest | 20x25x7 | 2007 | 9.5 | 3290 | sold |
233. |  | Primakovs D.\& S. | "The Snow White" | 5-sided chest | 13x10x11 | 2007 | 10 | | sold |
234. |  | Novikova L. | "The Scarlet Flower" | round box | d.10x3 | 2006 | 9 | 590 | sold |
235. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "The Search of Graal" | multi-sided chest, blue | 13x13x23 | 2007 | 10 | | sold |
236. |  | Lapshin A. | "The Nativity" | box, gold only | 13x10x3 | 2006 | 9 | 390 | sold |
237. |  | Kurkina N. | "The Mermaids" | chest, gold, mother-of-pearl | 6x12x4 | 2006 | 9.5 | 740 | sold |
238. |  | Andriashkina V. | "The Sleeping Princess" | box, gold | 17.5x11x4 | 2006 | 9.5 | 980 | sold |
239. |  | Smirnova V. | "The Snow Maiden" | box, rich gold ornament | 14x16x4 | 2007 | 9.5 | 1250 | sold |
240. |  | Smirnova V. | "The Swan Princess. Fist" | chest | 23x18x4.5 | 2007 | 9.5 | 3250 | sold |
241. |  | Kurkina N. | "Swan Princess" | round powder box,silver,gold | d.10x4.5 | 2006 | 9.5 | 840 | sold |
242. |  | Lapshin A. | "The Nutcracker" | 5-sided chest, gold only | 10x8x8 | 2006 | 9 | 1100 | sold |
243. |  | Bikova Ek. | "The Magic City" | chest, dark blue | 22x18x5 | 2006 | 10 | 2200 | sold |
244. |  | Smirnova V. | "The Snow Quenn" | chest | 18x24x5 | 2006 | 9.5 | 2250 | sold |
245. |  | Subbotins O.\& M. | "The Winter Spring" | chest with matching ornam | 21x13x4 | 2006 | 9.5 | 1200 | sold |
246. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "The First Automobile" | box, gold, silver | 21x15x4.5 | 2006 | 9.5 | 1450 | sold |
247. |  | Primakovs S. \& D. | "Easter in a Czars Court" | decorative Easter egg | d.7x16 | 2006 | 10 | | sold |
248. |  | Bikova Ek. | "The Mermaid" | chest with matching ornam.,dark green | 24x18x5 | 2006 | 10 | 2250 | sold |
249. |  | Bikova Ek. | "Joy of Virgin Mary" | decorative plaque | 24x34x1 | 2003 | 10 | 2600 | sold |
250. |  | Lapshin A. | "Alice in Wonder Land" | box, gold | 12x9.5x2.5 | 2006 | 9 | 340 | sold |
251. |  | Ghiriakov A. | "Aphrodite" | box, gold, silver | 14x10x4 | 2006 | 9.5 | 890 | yes |
252. |  | Bikova Ek | "The Snow Quenn" | box, dark blue, gold, silver | 15x11x4 | 2006 | 9 | | sold |
253. |  | Kamanina A. | "The Spring & The SnowMaiden" | round powder-box | d.7.5x4 | 2005 | 9 | 340 | sold |
254. |  | Novikova L. | "Under The Apple Tree" | round powder-box | d.10x3 | 2006 | 9.5 | 450 | sold |
255. |  | Bykova Ek. | "The Snow White & The Red Dawn" | box,dark green,gold | 7x9x3 | 2006 | 9 | 750 | sold |
256. |  | Buldakov V. | "Morning" | 2-sided oval chest | 6x12x3 | 2000 | 9 | 950 | sold |
257. |  | Ghiriakov Eug | "Autumn" | box | 18x12x4 | 2006 | 9 | 750 | yes |
258. |  | Tselikov Eug. | "The Musicians" | decorative Easter egg, dark blue | d.4.5x9 | 2006 | 10 | 1200 | sold |
259. |  | Lapshin A. | "The Sleeping Princess" | 5-sided chest | 10x7x8 | 2006 | 9.5 | 950 | sold |
260. |  | Smemarov A. | "The Winter Plays" | 5-sided salt-cellar | 8x8x15 | 1999 | 9 | 1300 | sold |
261. |  | Liatovs A. & G. | "The Snowmaiden" | decorative wall plaque | 30x18x1 | 2005 | 9.5 | 2300 | sold |
262. |  | Buldakov V. | "The Banishment from Paradise" | chest | 24x10x10 | 2000 | 10 | 2900 | yes |
263. |  | Rakitova O. | "Finist The Holy Falcon" | decorative egg | d.8x15 | 2006 | 9 | 950 | sold |
264. |  | Chibisov R. | "Tsar Of The Sea" | oval chest | 10x7x8 | 2006 | 9.5 | | sold |
265. |  | Ghiriakov Eu | "The Factor Of Time" | decorative wall plaque | 105x80x3 | 2004 | 9.5 | by request | sold |
266. |  | Shemarov M. | "The Orthodox Russ" | decorative wall plaque | 83x83x3 | 1989-1994 | 10 | | sold |
267. |  | Bogacheva N. | "The Frog Princess" | box | 20x14x3.5 | 2005 | 9.5 | 2100 | yes |
268. |  | Primakov D. | "Winter Time" | box | 10x8x4 | 2005 | 9 | 370 | sold |
269. |  | Lapshin A. | "The Musicians" | 5-sided chest | 7x7x9 | 2003 | 9 | 640 | sold |
270. |  | Tziganova O. | "Ivan Tsarevitch and The Dragon" | oval chest | 14x6x7 | 2005 | 9 | 990 | yes |
271. |  | Lopatin N. | "Prince Elisey" | box | 15x15x5 | 1993 | 9.5 | 1250 | sold |
272. |  | Rakitova O. | "The Winter Marry Making in Palekh" | 9-sided Persian chest light blue, gold ornamentation | 17x12x17 | 2004 | 9.5 | 2800 | sold |
273. |  | Bokalovs | "Finist-The Holy Falcon" | chest, gold ornament | 36x26x9.5 | 2004 | 9 | 2900 | yes |
274. |  | Tziganova O. | "The Fortune-telling Princess" | box | 26.5x22x6 | 2004 | 9 | 1400 | yes |
275. |  | Lopatin A. | "The Curved Seashore" | box, matching ornam. | 24x18x5 | 2003 | 9.5 | 1800 | yes |
276. |  | Berdnikov S. | "The Foundation of St. Petersburg" | decor. plate | d.26x3 | 2004 | 10 | 3700 | yes |
277. |  | Velichko B. | "The Scarlet Sails" | box | 15x10.5x4 | 2004 | 9.5 | 990 | sold |
278. |  | Lopatin A. | "Morozko" | round chest | d.10.5x12 | 2003 | 9.5 | 1250 | yes |
279. |  | Lopatin A. | "Tsar Saltan" | (Piragova's catalogue version) box | 17x15x5 | 2001 | 9 | 990 | yes |
280. |  | Talanova T. | "Ivan Tsarevitch \& The Fire-bird" | 3-sections' box | 21x14x8 | 2004 | 9 | 1250 | yes |
281. |  | Talanova T. | "The Frog-Princess" | chest | 27x20x5 | 2004 | 9 | 1650 | sold |
282. |  | O.Sheleva | "Tsar Saltan" | 5-sided small chest | 6x6x6 | 2002 | 9 | 890 | sold |
283. |  | O.Rakitova | "Venice Mirror" | box | 12.5x7x4 | 2003 | 9 | 340 | yes |
284. |  | O.Sheleva | "By The Pike's Wish" | 9-sided Persian chest | 10.5x8x11 | 2003 | 9.5 | 1690 | sold |
285. |  | O.Rakitova | "Palekh & Paleshians" | decorative plaque | 61x41x1.5 | 2003 | 9.5 | 5990 | sold |
286. |  | S.Bakalov | "Searching For Hidden Treasures" | powder-box | 9x13x3 | 2003 | 9 | 560 | sold |
287. |  | O.Rakitova | "The Seasons of a Year" | 5-sided Persian chest | 8x10x10 | 2002 | 9 | 1400 | sold |
288. |  | O.Rakitova | "Rural Scenes" | 5-sided Persian chest | 10x8x11 | 2002 | 9.5 | 1800 | sold |
289. |  | Kurkin A. | "Three Sisters (Saltan)" | round plaque | 24Dx0.5 | 1991 | 8 | 1800 | sold |
290. |  | Makarova S. | "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" | 9-sided Bombay box | 15x10.5x12 | 1995 | 7.5 | 1250 | yes |
291. |  | S.Berdnikov | "Russian Hunting" | oval chest, dark red | 9.5x7.5x7 | 2003 | 9 | 690 | sold |
292. |  | Kurkin A. | "Morozko" | decorative egg | d.5x12 | 1996 | 8 | 1200 | yes |
293. |  | V.Babkin | "By The Pikes Wish" | box | 24x18x6 | 2003 | 9.5 | 2700 | sold |
294. |  | Ev.Ghiriakov | "Life \& Deeds of Ilya Murometz" | box | 24x18x6 | 2003 | 9.5 | 1900 | sold |